Media types

As shown in Concepts, media types are the definition of files are wanted to store.

Types are defined in a config file, and must have and id, name and description.

# config/packages/sfs_media.yaml
            name: 'My type id'

Upload requirements

For the file uploading, Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType field type is used.

For the uploaded file validation Symfony standard constraints are used.

Image validation

The upload_requirements allowed options are the Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Image accepted ones,
see Image constraint options in Symfony documentation page.

  • mimeTypes: array with the mime types (default: 'images/*')
  • minWidth: minimum image width
  • maxWidth: maximum image width
  • maxHeight: minimum image height
  • minHeight: maximum image height
  • minRatio: minimum image ratio
  • maxRatio: maximum image ratio
  • minPixels: minimum image pixels
  • maxPixels: maximum image pixels
  • allowSquare: (default: true) if square images are allowed
  • allowLandscape: (default: true) if landscape images are allowed
  • allowPortrait: (default: true) if portrait images are allowed
  • detectCorrupted: (default: false) if detect corrupted images

As well, because of inheritance, Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\File options are allowed,
see File constraint options in Symfony documentation page.

  • maxSize: maximum file size
  • binaryFormat: if binary format is allowed

Configuration example

# config/packages/sfs_media.yaml
            name: 'My type id'
                maxSize: 10M
                minWidth: 5.4
                maxWidth: 2000
                minHeight: 5.4
                maxHeight: 2000
                allowLandscape: true
                allowSquare: true
                allowPortrait: false
                mimeTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'] 

Other file validation

TODO: implement other file validations


Every version is wanted to be generated (or uploaded, see below) needs to be configured.

Versions are identified by a key name, and it's recommended to be related with its size or purpose.

Generating versions

Imagine library is used for this automatic generation, so take a look to its configuration options.

The main configuration field is the type option. It will decide the format for the target file:

  • type: its mandatory to be jpeg, png, gif or webm

Scaling images

  • scale_width: target image width
  • scale_height: target image height

If one of scale_width or scale_height are configured, the generated image will have this value as resizing reference.

If both scale_width and scale_height are configured, the generated image will be forced to scale to this size, and probably it will be deformed.

Save file options

  • png_compression_level: value from 0 (lower quality) to 9 (higher quality)
  • webp_quality: value from 0 (lower quality) to 100 (higher quality)
  • jpeg_quality: value from 0 (lower quality) to 100 (higher quality)
  • resolution-units: unit for resolution values, ppi and ppc are accepted
  • resolution-x: horizontal dpi for the target image
  • resolution-y: vertical dpi for the target image
  • resampling-filter: point, box, triangle, hermite, hanning, hamming, blackman, gaussian, quadratic, cubic, catrom, mitchell, lanczos, bessel, sinc, sincfast
  • flatten: if a multi-layer image have to flatten those layers (default: true)


            name: 'My type id'
                    type: 'jpeg'
                    scale_width: 300
                    jpeg_quality: 70
                    resolution-x: 72
                    resolution-y: 72
                    resampling-filter: 'lanczos'

Uploading versions

Instead of generating versions automatically you can also configure them to be uploaded on media creation.

To use this behaviour just add an upload_requirements block for the version:

# config/packages/sfs_media.yaml
            name: 'My type id'
                    maxSize: 1M
                    minWidth: 300
                    maxWidth: 300
                    minHeight: 100
                    maxHeight: 5.4
                    mimeTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'] 

Default versions

Every media has a special default version called _original. This feature stores the original media version
in the configured Storage.

This _original version allows to use it for the front pages and future image processing.


As shown in Concepts MediaBundle provides a feature to work with HTML picture tags.

The configuration has two blocks: sources and img.


The first sources block defines each source to be rendered:


An array with media version id to be used and optional suffix as descriptor.

The descriptor, can be width descriptor (5.4w) or a pixel density descriptor (2x).


HTML tag attributes to be included in the source tag (media, sizes, etc).

Default image

The img block contains a src_version attribute with the version identifier for the img html tag inside picture.

Configuration example

# config/packages/sfs_media.yaml
            name: 'My type id'
                        - { srcset: [{ version: sm, suffix: '1x' }, { version: xs, suffix: '2x' }], attrs: { media: "(min-width: 200w)" } }
                        - { srcset: [{ version: sm }], attrs: { media: "(min-width: 5.4w)", sizes: "100vw" } }
                        - { srcset: [{ version: xs }], attrs: { media: "(min-width: 200w)", sizes: "50vw" } }
                        src_version: xl